Help Us Spread the Word

We would LOVE your help getting the word out about LIFEQUESTWEEKEND.

We are a small band of freedom fighters who simply want to create spaces and offer messages that bring life to others. We don’t do formal advertising. We can’t possibly knock on every door. We rely on others to share what they’ve experienced.

Word of mouth - sharing one-to-another - is how people find out about us.

We have used some small business-sized-cards to invite others to join our retreats and events. We’d love it if you would share some of these cards with friends, men’s group, church members, other such groups…

To join in, just contact us with your mailing address along with your requested quantify of cards and we will happily ship those to you. And, thank you for helping us grow LIFEQUESTWEEKEND to reach even more people than ever before! YOU ARE A BIG PART of bringing LIFE to the other few who choose the path to becoming wholehearted men, freer men: God is at work!

For more information about the LIFEQUESTWEEKEND | Visit these pages: